Sunset Ridge Owners
Riverside, CA
Welcome To Your Online Community!
Architectural Modifications: Modifications to your Lot must be approved by the Board of Directors. Please complete the architectural application and submit to management prior to commencing any work. Applications are available through the resident portal.
Sunset Ridge Owners Association, Inc. in Riverside, California is a development constructed in the mid 1970’s with a unique beautiful hilltop location, having scenic and panoramic views of the City and Inland Valley. The Association was designed and developed by Cowan & Busy, a prominent local Riverside architectural firm. This gated Community Association with southwestern architecture is comprised of 60 spacious units with attached garages, balconies, private patios and luxurious amenities such as upper and lower pool areas, dry sauna, jacuzzi and tennis court.
Natural arroyos run from the very top to the bottom of the Association with lush landscape in the common areas. The breathtaking views are something to behold when stepping out onto ones backyard. Many owners within the community are longtime owners, having found their special place and lifetime home. Past and present Board of Directors have volunteered their time and worked very hard to protect and maintain the continuity and harmonious feel of the Association, along with protecting physical and fiscal assets. Combining all of these features and member dedication have made Sunset Ridge Owners Association, Inc. one of the finer communities to own and live within the City of Riverside.